Beware that the 9 emerging health benefits of Butea monosperma, fertility impact, uses & side effects discussed in this post stem from its role in Ayurvedic, and modern medical practices. Flowers are mostly used as a tonic, and seeds, bark, and leaves are used in treating several ailments such as convulsions, diarrhoeal, diabetes, goiter, and sperm disorder.
This plant is enriched with an essential compound that is beneficial to the body system. Known by traditional medicine
specialist due to its anti-bacterial, anti-convulsive, anti-stress, anti-diabetic, and anti-inflammatory properties [1] which have been helpful in the manufacturing of most modern medicines.
Benefits of Butea Monosperma
The roots, bark, stem, leaves, and flower extracts of Butea Monosperma are useful medically to alleviate and treat several health conditions as explained below.
Relief Stress
If are you having a hard time sleeping, or are stressed out, take a few flowers of this wonderful plant, boil it then drink it and see the miracle of calming your stressed nerves [2]. The flower is fortified with essential compounds like flavonoids, steroids, triterpene, butein, isobutrin, coreopsis, and Isocoreopsin and is used as anti convulsions, fever, stress & inflammatory pain reliever.
Lowers blood sugar levels
The seeds and flower extracts of Butea Monosperma are fortified with an essential compound that is found to help lower blood sugar. According to a study, alloxan-induced diabetic rats shows a significant reduction in their blood sugar level and boost their tolerance to glucose when ethanolic extract from the leaves was administered.[3]
Prevent premature aging
Flower extracts of this amazing plant have a powerful radical scavenging ability. Free radicals released by oxidative stress contribute to premature aging. A study indicates that flower extracts of this plant help combat radicals such as
nitric oxide, hydroxyl, and superoxide anion radicals.
Slows down tumor growth
The extracts from the Butea Monosperma flower have antitumorigenic property, an old study also suggest that the flower extracts of this plant possess hepatoprotective property and may slow down and prevent the growth of tumors due to the presence of certain chemical compounds such as triterpene, butein, isobutrin, and coreopsis.[4]
Fights Infectious Diseases
The intake of bark and seed oil extracts of Butea monosperma can help boost the body’s defense against infectious diseases, a study reveals that it possesses antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Medicarpin presence also shows a strong antifungal effect. [5]
Stops convulsion
The leaf extracts as well as the flower possess anticonvulsive effects due to the presence of an essential compound called triterpene together with others can help stop convulsions.
Relief pains
The leaf extracts of Butea Monosperma are found to possess an anti-inflammatory property that helps to fight inflammatory pains. The leaf is also used for treating stomach discomfort, and may also relieve colds.
Improves heart function
The leaf extract of Butea Monosperma contains linoleic acid which improves heart functions. According to a study, linoleic acid may help boost insulin sensitivity and lower blood pressure. [6]
Weight loss
Struggling to lose weight? Butea Monosperma is found to be excellent in suppressing appetite which may be helpful for those trying to lose some weight.
Every part of this wonderful plant is useful including the stem, and bark which is found effective against diarrhea and another gastrointestinal discomfort. A study indicates that an ethanolic extract of the bark of Butea monosperma prevented diarrhea that was induced by castor oil in Wistar albino rats.
Improves liver function
The bark extract of Butea Monosperma can help lowers Bilirubin— a yellowish pigment released during the metabolism of red blood cells which will be removed as waste out of the body by the liver. A study indicates that when Bilirubin is above the normal level may trigger the certain liver problem
Fertility Impact & Side Effects
There’s no doubt that Butea Monosperma possesses several medical properties, however, there is also a downside of this plant that can’t be overlooked. Below are the fertility impact& side effects of these plants
Prevents conception
Several studies have indicated the anti-fertility effect of flowers, Seeds, and bark. Extracts of Butea Monosperma can be used to prevent ovulation and implantation as indicated in a study on Rabbits and Rats
Also, the flowers, seeds, and bark contain
BUTEIN— a flavonoid with antiestrogenic properties. [ 7, 8, 9]
Butea Monosperma is rich in flavonoids, steroids, triterpene, butein, isobutrin, coreopsis, and Isocoreopsin and is used as anti convulsions, fever, stress & inflammatory pain relievers. The seeds and flower extracts of this plant are fortified with an essential compound that is found to help lower blood sugar. The intake of bark and seed oil extracts can help boost the body’s defense against infectious diseases.
The leaf extract contains linoleic acid which improves heart functions, while the bark extract can help lowers Bilirubin levels.